Below are step-by-step instructions for how to create an Assessment.
Step 1: The first step in creating an assessment is locating the Assessments tab in the left-hand tool bar. To do this, select “Assessments” in the navigation menu.
Step 2: To get started, select the button in the top right corner that reads “Create Assessment.”
Step 3: Title your assessment. This title will be visible to all users who take or receive your assessment.
Step 4: Provide an optional description for the assessment. This section may be used to explain the purpose of the assessment or give a brief overview of what to expect.
Step 5: Next, select a category to be associated with the assessment. You can select from the list below, or leave it blank and decide later. Categories can be further customized from the list.
Step 6: Select a tag(s) to be associated with the assessment. You can select from the list below, or leave it blank and decide later. Tags can be further customized from the list.
Step 7: Select “New Question” to add the fist question to your assessment.
Step 8: In the box labeled “title,” add the first question you would like to ask.
Step 9: Next, select the weight of the questions. The weight is relative to the overall score of the assessment. Higher weights indicate higher importance.
Step 10: Add a description of the question or instructions on how to answer the question
Step 11: From the drop down menu, specify the question type.
Step 12: If “Single Choice” was selected, toggle “Add Unobserved Option” to allow the question to be skipped if it is not observed
Step 13: If “Number Answer” was selected, toggle “Higher is Better” for the higher number value to be considered better. This is the default option.
Step 14: If “Single Choice” or “Number Answer” were selected, toggle “Enable Scoring” to collect a score for the question.
Step 15: Toggle “Allow Comments” to display a comment field for the question.
Step 16: Toggle “Required” if the question is mandatory for the assessment to be submitted.
Step 17: To add a new question, select “New Question” or “Duplicate Last.”
Step 18: Repeat steps 7 through 17 until the desired number of questions is reached.
Step 19: To complete the assessment, select “Save Assessment” in the upper right hand corner.
Step 20: Congratulations! You have successfully created an assessment! Your assessment will now be visible within the assessment library on the left-hand toolbar.